What to ask from a Constipation/Acidity Patient?
Before asking the following questions, please follow the protocol as suggested in the ‘Incoming/Outgoing Calls Handling Tips’
To Acidity Patient:
- Since how long you have this problem?
- Any other disease you are suffering from?
- Quantity of fiber in your diet?
- How much Maida, Fried, Oil, Spicy food you take?
- Are you taking any medicines?
- Any particular food which causes acidity?
- Do you feel severe headache, chest pain? How often?
- Are you a vegetarian or a non-vegetarian?
To Constipation Patient:
- All above, plus:
- How many times do you pass stool?
- Do you feel pain while passing stool?
- Are there any traces of blood while passing stool?
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