What to ask from a Piles patient?
Before asking the following questions, please follow the protocol as suggested in the ‘Incoming/Outgoing Calls Handling Tips’
- Since how long you have this problem?
- Do you have bleeding or non bleeding Piles?
- It there pain and etching?
- Whether the Pain is while passing stool?
- Does the pain remain 1-2 hours also after passing stool or remains throught the day?
- Do you have constipation, gas & acidity? Since when?
- What is your profession? Is it a sitting or non sitting Job?
- Are you Married?
- Does anyone else in your family has this problem?
- Do you have Thyroid disorder?
- Do you take fresh Fruits & Vegetables in your diet?
- Are you a Vegitarian or a Non Vegitarian?
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