HIV positive – how …
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HIV positive – how to keep myself healthy?

Posts: 114
Admin DMC Staff
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Joined: 1 year ago

I am HIV +ve under ART treatment What should I do to keep myself healthy apart from medicines?

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Posts: 82
DMC Staff Customer
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Joined: 1 year ago
  • Stay away from google
  • Follow your doctor’s instructions properly and strictly
  • Do not miss the medicines
  • Exercises like strength gaining, weight gaining, core muscle strengthening, yoga, meditation etc. according to your capacity is mandatary.
  • Take healthy nutrient rich diet and on proper time.
  • Avoid contact with persons those suffering from any kind of infections.
  • Regular checkups or follow ups and blood tests are mandatary.
  • And last but not least always remain optimistic (with positive attitude).

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