I’m 23 years old. I ejaculate very soon, within one minute. Is there any Ayurvedic treatment?
Is there any Ayurvedic treatment for Premature Ejaculation?
Thanks for contacting us.
Before I can provide you with a suitable reply to your query, can you please help me with few questions about yourself?
Since when are you facing this problem?
How many times do you masturbate?
Do you have any other health issues?
After getting these answers the caller can proceed further with the following response:
You might be suffering from PE, but, relax this is not a disease. This is just a health condition which can be easily cured with Ayurvedic treatment and some simple exercises, like Kegel.
I would advise you to neither take this issue very seriously nor take it lightly. If ignored now, this problem can become serious later on.
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